Welcome !
I'm Pierre Morel, a passionate game developer specialized in technical game design and programming.
Hello !
I'm Pierre Morel, a 33-year-old game developer.
I am currently looking for a great game to work on as a game designer, a programmer or ideally a mix of both !

"But what's a great game ?", you ask.
To me, it simply is a game I would love as a player and would have fun working on. Regardless if I'm in the target audience or not.
It's a game I would be proud to share with my friends and family saying : "Hey look ! That's what I'm making with my friends, it's awesome !"
How can I help you?
Visual Scripting
I see programming like a puzzle game, I use logic to associates small pieces and make something much bigger.
Like everything else it may not always be fun, but most of the time it is and completing a working code is one of the best feelings.
I am mainly experienced in C#, but would love to learn and work with new languages.
Hire me to develop your next game !
Game Design
Level Design
Tests & Integration
Games provide with unforgettable experiences and emotions, from laughter to tears and tension.
Creating and sharing such experiences is why I decided to work in this industry and create my own games.
Working at Quantic Dream taught me a lot about how game design is done on a huge project.
I can't wait to learn even more on the new one I'll be working on.
Hire me to develop your next game !
before Competition
Many people are involved in the development of a game, especially in bigger studios, each of them with their own methods and talent.
Listening to your teammates, trusting them and working hard together is necessary to reach higher goals and create the best possible experience.
Hire me to develop your next game !
Something great with Game Development is that it never ends until the release (or the final patch!).
There are always features to be improved, iterations to be done or some bugs to be found
... and after all this hardwork, some time to have a drink with the team.
Hire me to develop your next game !
Other Projects
RingZero - Gameplay / UI Programmer
February 2019 - Present         Bangkok
I am currently working at RingZero as a programmer on various unnanouced projects (Mobile and AA).
Ironova - Game Programmer
August 2018         Marseille
As a start-up from Marseille, Ironova is developing a new controller for games base on emotions.
Quantic Dream - Game Builder
November 2016 - March 2018         Paris
For my latest experience, I had the opportunity to join Quantic Dream and work on the Playstation 4 exclusive Detroit : Become Human.
Orika - Programmer
February 2016 - October 2016         Reunion Island
Based in Reunion Island and Morocco, Orika is developing a leading
Point Of Sale software suite.
Vantage TV - UI Programmer (Remote)
March 2016         Los Angeles / Brussels / Reunion Island
Vantage.tv‘s is broadcasting live events in Virtual Reality on smartphones.
Eden Games - Intern Gameplay Programmer
November 2016 - March 2018         Lyon
My last internship has been the opportunity to work with Eden Games on the game Gear.Club
Rubika Supinfogame -
Game Director / Game ProgrammerSeptember 2012 - July 2015         Valenciennes
I decided to quit my computer engineering studies to enter Supinfogame as I wanted to work on projects I love and meet the challenges that only game development can provide.
Supinfo Internationnal University
September 2009 - June 2012         Reunion Island / Paris
After my High School Diploma in science, I joined Supinfo to improve my programming skills and learn more about computer science.